STOP! If I were you I wouldn't be letting my baby or child (if I had one) suck on those plastic toys you buy for them unless you know what type of chemicals were used to make them. Studies have shown that some toxic chemicals used in toys to harden the plastic are linked to causing cancer and other medical complications. One study in particular, showed baby boys whose mothers had high phthalate levels were more likely to have small penises and undecsended testicles. There was a national ban placed in 2006 to help prevent these toys from getting into the hands of unsuspecting consumers. However, of course things really didn't go as planned. And there are still toys on the market containing harmful chemicals. Now Congressional supporters are pushing out another law that goes in effect Feb. 10; which is once again meant to protect children from the harmful chemicals in toys. Great, so now these toys can finally be taken off the consumer market. Oh wait don't get excited yet, because last week a staff attorney at the Consumer Product Safety Commission released a legal comment stating that if the toys were made before Feb. 10 they can still be sold off store shelves. which means these kind of toys could remain on store shelves for years to come.
Seriously, if the profit really worth it? Sen. Dianne Feinstein three members of the House of Representatives tried to get the person in charge, Cheryl Falvey, to reverse her decision. She claims that "the lawmakers intentions were unclear." But Sen. Barbara Boxer, probably one out of the many who can see through the bullshit stated the following, "Ms. Falvey's claim that our intent was not clear is a pathetic and transparent attempt to avoid enforcing this law. It is beyond me that as they exit the scene, this administration is still carrying out its malicious actions to weaken environmental protection for our families." It's ashame that you have to be cautious about which rubber ducky is safe to buy for your most precious gift in the world, which hopefully would be your baby. Otherwise you might be increasing his/her chance of getting cancer or something. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me.
Seriously, if the profit really worth it? Sen. Dianne Feinstein three members of the House of Representatives tried to get the person in charge, Cheryl Falvey, to reverse her decision. She claims that "the lawmakers intentions were unclear." But Sen. Barbara Boxer, probably one out of the many who can see through the bullshit stated the following, "Ms. Falvey's claim that our intent was not clear is a pathetic and transparent attempt to avoid enforcing this law. It is beyond me that as they exit the scene, this administration is still carrying out its malicious actions to weaken environmental protection for our families." It's ashame that you have to be cautious about which rubber ducky is safe to buy for your most precious gift in the world, which hopefully would be your baby. Otherwise you might be increasing his/her chance of getting cancer or something. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me.