Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Is our privacy safe?

In the article " Warrantless Wiretapping ", I agree with Steven Le's opinion on thinking warrantless wiretapping is just plain wrong. Even if it was just listening in on peoples phone conversations trying to prevent terrorist activities. So yea there were probably millions upon millions of recorded phone conversations, and I strongly doubt everyone single one was listened in on. But I still don't like the fact that my private conversations could have gone into a database for other people to listen to. Therefore the government shouldn't have he right to do that without the proper documents. But I have to say even though it's off subject that the crap they pulled off afterwards which allowed the phone companies who did that to get off the hook safe and sound was just pure garbage.

As for the surveillance cameras. I agree with Steven that they can be good for society. Most of the time they do end up doing some good. So as long as they don't end up installing secret spy cameras in peoples homes I think we'll be able to live with them.

And finally, I too believe we should take that money and spend it on more " legal " and "morally right " choices for protection or surveillance. Because if it continues there lies the risk of it just getting worse. Before you know it we could all be injected with nanomachines that link all of us into one big system. Which might have the power to monitor everything we do, like feel, smell, see and think.

I think Steven Le did an excellent job voicing his opinions and concerns about the governments warrantless wiretapping.