Monday, September 15, 2008

Obama flames Republicans approach on a stronger economy

On Monday September 15, 2008, NBC released an article about Senator Obama lashing out at the Republicans strategic tactics for improving our current economic standing. After the shocking events which took place Monday morning at Wall Street; with the Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy, and Merrill Lynch getting bought by Bank of America, Obama responded with stating these events to be "the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression," saying that what's partly to blame is the economic philosophy we been running off of the last eight years. With the release of a new Republican ad on Monday stating how McCain and Sarah Palin were the only ones who can fix our economy, Democrats were quick to state that McCain must not realize that the policies he has been supporting have helped create this economic crisis.
I think this article is worth reading because it talks about a major issue which both political parties should be focusing on. With the recent gain of support for McCain by selecting Palin as his VP; it is vital for Obama to develop a better plan than McCain for recovering from our economic downfall if he wishes to stay ahead of his competition. You can find more information on this article here.